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Admission Air Froid pour 88-95 Bronco/F-150/F-250/F-350 S&B

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2 vendus en 8 Heures
377,64 EUR
More Airflow, Maximum performance. Our cold air intake for the 88-95 Ford Pick-up / SUV 4.9L, 5.0L, 5.8L, 7.5L was engineered to minimize air restriction and flows better than stock. This kit...

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Admission Air Froid pour 88-95 Bronco/F-150/F-250/F-350 S&B

More Airflow, Maximum performance. Our cold air intake for the 88-95 Ford Pick-up / SUV 4.9L, 5.0L, 5.8L, 7.5L was engineered to minimize air restriction and flows better than stock.

This kit comes with a fully enclosed airbox that protects the filter from dirt and keeps out engine heat.

The Sound of Performance. A huge air filter and air box results in a more aggressive sound compared to stock.


  • For 88-95 Ford Pick-up / SUV 4.9L, 5.0L, 5.8L, 7.5L
  • Filter Type Cotton
  • Oil color Red
  • Quantity of Oil 56 Grams
  • Replacemnt Filter KF-1014
  • Street Legal In all US States - Yes
  • Carb Exempt ID D-590-2
  • Handles temperatures as high as 400F without cracking or tearing
  • MAF extension harness included
  • Sold as Kit
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